Tenkawa Shrine

rumi matsumoto
4 min readAug 27, 2019

I went to a shrine named Tenkawa Benzaiten-sha, in the heart of Nara mountain. Some people say, you can’t go there if God hasn’t called you, or that only when the time is right can people visit.

It was nice weather.

That’s certainly true, there aren’t many buses on this route for a day. Also,there are only two return buses per day. You’d better have a relaxing time at Amanogawa hot springs near by here until you got on the return bus at 3 o’clock.

Shimoichiguchi to Tenkawa Shrine, it took about a hour.

The goddess named Benzaiten is believed to be a water deity, and is associated with music, performance, and art.

When I put my hands together in front of the worship hall, I heard a norito — an address to the shrine’s god and a Heart Sutra (Hannya Shingyo). This is because this place protects the syncretization of Shinto and Buddhism.

We can’t take picture from the front since it’s said to be the god’s road.

There is a special bell called “Isuzu”, used to call UFOs. People really have had mysterious experiences in Tenkawa. As a matter of fact, there was something strange which happened once I came home. I saw two UFOs to the west.

ここは神様から呼ばれないと行けないとか、行くべきタイミングの時だけ行ける、とか言う人もいます。 確かにここへの1日のバスの本数はとても少ないです。帰りのバスも1日に2本しかありません。帰りのバスに乗るまで、近くの天の川温泉でゆっくり時間を過ごすこともできます。

弁財天という神様は水の神様で、音楽、パフォーマンス、芸事につながりが深いと信じられています。 私が拝殿の前で手を合わせていると、祝詞と呼ばれる神社で唱える言葉と、般若心経と呼ばれる仏教の経典が聞こえてきました。 神仏習合が守られてきたゆえんです。
また「五十鈴」と呼ばれるUFOを呼ぶともされる特別な鈴も有名です。 実際、天川では神秘的な経験がいくつも伝わっています。 私がも家に帰ってから西の空に2つのUFOを見た。

